Area World Service Conference Meeting 2023
Friday, Saturday, Sunday / 26, 27, 28. May 2023


      Prepare to give a 5-minute report on what is happening in your District and review the following documents:

        1. AWSCM – What is it.  (CLICK HERE)

        1. Review the DR’s Guide to AWSCM  (CLICK HERE)

    • AWSCM 2023 AGENDA – (draft) (CLICK HERE)

        • If you are having a pre-meeting with your District, please distribute the agenda to your GRs prior to the meeting. Please also note that the agenda is a draft document and may be updated shortly before the meeting.

    • Consent agenda

        • A consent agenda includes items that tend to be routine and often do not need discussion. One or more items or topics may be pulled from the consent agenda by any voting member to be discussed. If discussion is needed, the DR needs to speak up (raised hand) before or immediately once the motion is made. If you know you need discussion on a topic prior to the meeting, please make every effort to contact the Chair so that adequate time can be allotted. Items on the 2023 AWSCM consent agenda are:

    • The Treasurer’s Report – not part of the consent agenda
      (income and balance sheet) (CLICK HERE)
      AWSCM Financial Report – posted June 7, 2023 (CLICK HERE)

Upcoming Service Opportunities – terms starting January 2024

Want to apply? Download the resume form. (CLICK HERE)